Never thought about this – until yesterday.
I was / I am even nor sure if Sightskating exists at all or if it was inve
It was a beatiful day and I wanted to visit a friend in Kaiserswerth. I was thinking about the Sightrunning concept being on my Inline skates as it would be too much for a short visit to run 10 km each direction.

Now, passing by the river I thought about what would I tell here, what is interesting about the scenery?
And what would I be interested in in other cities?
And there is a bsic need for each skater: We need good asphalt, a good ground.
And ideally some track where we can skate without too many traffic lights and ideally without too many other people – which is of course impossible.
Sightskating – what to do now ?
Now if you are in Düsseldorf for a short visit and would like to explore the city also on Inline skates – get in touch with me! I offer a round of skating together a nice track along the river or any other scenery that is interesting for you in Düsseldorf. I will combine it with element of our Sightrunning tour and will find out if Sightskating is something that I would like to add to my usual program.
The first tour will be free as i want to give it a try :-).