If you are in Linz, do not miss the chance to do also a Sightrun in Linz – Our friend Andreas is offering Sightrunning tours over there, so hoin him for a Sightrun in Linz.
Andreas offers Sightruns for all people who like to move in an easy pace through Linz.
In case it is getting too exhausting, he is also happy walk a while with you.
Actually there are 3 different running tours at “Sightrunning Linz” that you can choose from:
Sightrunning Linz “Tabakfabrik” (tobacco factory)
This tour leads through the hearth of the city. At the most intersting spots Andreas will make a short break and tell insight stories about the history of the City – even people from Linz will learn something new and suprising about their beloved city.
For example, what is the origin of the “Dorotheum”, what has been there before the tobacco factory and also where did Ludwig Wittgenstein to school ?
All these interesting facets you will get insights to.

Sightrunning Linz “Green fields”
From the “Hauptplatz” this run will lead to the main station through the green soul of the city. A lot of parks you will see with a lot of green areas.
And you will get information about questions like:
- Why did emperor Friedrich III loose a leg?
- How new is the “new dome”?
- Where was the weekend house of Mr. Harschek (the inventor of Eternit)?
Sightrunning Linz “Pöstlingberg”
This Sightrun will show you the area of the wine farmers in Linz next to the Pöstlingsberg. The way back to the center will lead along the Diesenleittal.
Here you will get information about:
- How much defence can you expect from a defence tower?
- Who carried the church to the Pöstlingsberg (Pöstlings Mountain)?
- Was it really Napoleon on the Urfahraner merket?

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